/* * * Custom js snippets for Ventcamp v2.0 * by Vivaco * */ var Ventcamp; ;(function($){ $(document).on('ready', function () { Ventcamp.init(); }); })( jQuery ); // Main theme functions start Ventcamp = { defaults: { log: false, styleSwitcher: false, animations: true, onePageNav: true, alwaysMobileMenuMode: false, mobileMenuMaxWidth: 768, smoothScroll: false, smoothScrollSpeed: 800, pseudoSelect: true, ajaxedForm: true, ajaxedFormSuccessMsg: 'Success', ajaxedFormErrorMsg: 'An error occured. Please try again later.', toastrPositionClass: 'toast-top-full-width' }, mobileDevice: false, log: function (msg) { if ( this.options.log ) console.log('%cStartupLy Log: ' + msg, 'color: #1ac6ff'); }, buildStyleSwitcher: function () { var template = '
Color palette
' $('body').append(template); }, // check if site is laoded from mobile device checkMobile: function () { mobileDeviceOld = this.mobileDevice if ( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || $(window).width() < this.options.mobileMenuMaxWidth ) { this.mobileDevice = true; this.log('Mobile device'); }else { this.mobileDevice = false; this.log('Desktop') } }, // init animations on page initAnimations: function () { var _this = this; if ( this.mobileDevice || !this.options.animations ) { $('.animated').css('opacity', 1); this.log( 'Remove animations' ); $('.animated .counter-block .count').not('.countdown .counter-block .count').each(function () { $(this).text( $(this).data('to') ); }); }else if ( typeof $.fn.appear == 'function' ) { this.log( 'Init animations' ); $('.animated').appear(function() { var $el = $(this), animation = $el.data('animation'), animationDelay = $el.data('delay') || 0, animationDuration = $el.data('duration') || 1000; if ( _this.options.animations ) { $el.css({ '-webkit-animation-delay': animationDelay + 'ms', 'animation-delay': animationDelay + 'ms', '-webkit-animation-duration': animationDuration/1000 + 's', 'animation-duration': animationDuration/1000 + 's' }); $el.addClass(animation); _this.log( 'Play animation ' + animation + ' with delay = ' + animationDelay + 'ms and duration = ' + animationDuration + 'ms'); $el.one('webkitAnimationStart mozAnimationStart MSAnimationStart oanimationstart animationstart', function() { if ( !$el.closest('.coundown').length ) { if ( typeof $.fn.countTo == 'function' ) { if ( $el.find('.count').length ) $el.find('.count').countTo(); } else { this.log( 'Can\'t find jQuery.countTo function' ); } } }); }else { $el.removeClass('animated'); if ( !$el.closest('.coundown').length ) { if ( typeof $.fn.countTo == 'function' ) { if ( $el.find('.count').length ) $el.find('.count').countTo(); } else { this.log( 'Can\'t find jQuery.countTo function' ); } } } }, {accY: -150}); }else { $('.animated').css('opacity', 1); this.log( 'Can\'t find jQuery.appear function' ); this.log( 'Remove animations' ); } if ( $('.counter-block').not('.animated').not('.animated .counter-block').not('.countdown .counter-block').length ) { $('.counter-block').not('.animated').not('.animated .counter-block').not('.countdown .counter-block').each( function () { if ( typeof $.fn.appear == 'function' && typeof $.fn.countTo == 'function' ) { $(this).appear(function () { $(this).find('.count').countTo(); }); }else { $(this).find('.count').text( $(this).find('.count').data('to') ); } }); } }, calculateMenuSizes: function () { var _this = this, $dropdownItem = $('.navigation-item.dropdown'), $navbarCollapse = $('.navbar-collapse'), winHeight = window.innerHeight; if ( $dropdownItem.length ) { $dropdownItem.each( function () { var $this = $(this), $dropdown = $this.find('.dropdown-menu'), headerHeight = $dropdownItem.closest('header').outerHeight(); if ( !_this.mobileDevice ) { $dropdown.css( 'max-height', winHeight - headerHeight - 50 ); }else { $dropdown.css( 'max-height', '' ); } }); } if ( $navbarCollapse.length ) { $navbarCollapse.each( function () { if ( _this.mobileDevice ) { var headerHeight = $(this).closest('header').outerHeight(); $(this).css('max-height', winHeight - headerHeight); } }); } }, windowHeightBlock: function () { var $blocks = $('.window-height'), height = window.innerHeight; if ( $blocks.length ) { $blocks.each(function () { $(this).css('min-height', height); }); } this.log( 'Init window height blocks'); }, centeredBlock: function() { var $blocks = $('.centered-block'); if ( $blocks.length ) { $blocks.each( function () { var $el = $(this), $parent = $el.parent(), elHeight = $el.outerHeight(), parentHeight = $parent.outerHeight(), padding = (parentHeight - elHeight) / 2; if ( padding >= 0 ) { $parent.css({'padding-top': padding, 'padding-bottom': 0 }); } }); } this.log( 'Init centered blocks'); }, videoBackgroundInit: function () { var _this = this; $('.ytp-player-background').each( function() { var $el = $(this), $player, controlsTempalte; if ( $el.data('video') && $el.data('video').length ) { $el.css('background-image', 'url(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/' + $el.data('video') + '/maxresdefault.jpg)') } if( !_this.mobileDevice && typeof $.fn.YTPlayer == 'function' ) { _this.log( 'Init video background blocks'); $player = $el.YTPlayer(); } else { $el.addClass('no-video-bg'); if ( typeof $.fn.YTPlayer != 'function' ) { _this.log( 'Can\'t find jQuery.YTPlayer function. Video background blocks doesn\'t work.' ); }else { _this.log( 'Can\'t init video background blocks.'); } } }); }, initPseudoSelect: function () { var $select = $('select'); if ( $select.length ) { $select.each(this.makePseudoSelect); } }, makePseudoSelect: function (i, el) { var $el = $(el), $options = $el.find('option'), $pseudoSelect = $('
'), $input = $(''), $field = $(''), $dropdown = $(''); $options.each(function () { $li = $('
  • '); $li.data('value', this.value); $li.text(this.text); if ( this.disabled ) $li.addClass('disabled'); if ( this.selected ) { $li.addClass('selected'); $field.text(this.text); $input.attr('value', this.value); } $dropdown.append($li); }); $el.after($pseudoSelect); $input.attr({ id: el.id, name: el.name }); $pseudoSelect.append($input).append($field).append($dropdown); $el.remove(); var closePseudoSelect = function () { $dropdown.stop(true, true).slideUp(150); setTimeout(function () { $el.removeClass('open'); }, 150); }, openPseudoSelect = function () { $el.addClass('open'); $dropdown.stop(true, true).slideDown(250); }, selectItem = function ($li) { var value = $li.data('value'), text = $li.text(), dropdownHeight = $dropdown.outerHeight(), elHeight = $li.outerHeight(), scrollTop = $dropdown.scrollTop(), elemPosition = $li.position().top; if ( elemPosition + elHeight > dropdownHeight ) { $dropdown.scrollTop(elHeight + elemPosition - dropdownHeight + scrollTop); }else if ( elemPosition < 0 ) { $dropdown.scrollTop(scrollTop + elemPosition); } $li.addClass('selected').siblings('li').removeClass('selected'); $input.val(value); $field.text(text); $input.trigger('change'); } $input.on('focus.pseudoSelect', openPseudoSelect); $input.on('blur.pseudoSelect', closePseudoSelect); $input.on('keydown', function (event) { var $li = $dropdown.find('li').not('.disabled'), $liSelected = $dropdown.find('li.selected').not('.disabled'), index = $.map($li, function (el, i) { if ( $(el).is('.selected')) { return i; } })[0], nextIndex = (index < $li.length - 1) ? index + 1 : 0, prevIndex = index - 1, $prev = $li.eq(prevIndex), $next = $li.eq(nextIndex); if ( event.keyCode == 38 ) { if ( $liSelected.length ) { selectItem($prev); }else { selectItem($li.last()); } } if ( event.keyCode == 40 ) { if ( $liSelected.length ) { selectItem($next); }else { selectItem($li.first()); } } if ( event.keyCode == 32 ) { if ( $el.is('.open') ) closePseudoSelect(); else openPseudoSelect(); } if ( event.keyCode != 13 && event.keyCode != 9 ) { return false; } }); $field.on('click.pseudoSelect', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if ( !$el.is('.open') ) $input.trigger('focus'); }); $('body').on('click.pseudoSelect', function (event) { if ( !$(event.target).closest($field).length && $el.is('.open') ) closePseudoSelect(); }); $dropdown.on('mousedown.pseudoSelect click.pseudoSelect', 'li', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); selectItem($(this)); closePseudoSelect(); }); return $input; }, // Tabs view tabNavToSelect: function() { $nav = $('.nav'); var _this = this; $nav.each(function () { var $this = $(this), $active = $this.find('li.active > a'), $field = $('' + $active.html() + ''); $this.wrapAll('') $this.before($field); $field.on('click', function () { if ( !$this.is('.open') ) $this.stop(true, true).slideDown(250).addClass('open'); else $this.stop(true, true).slideUp(150).removeClass('open'); }); $this.on('click', 'a', function () { $field.html($(this).html()); }); $('body').on('click', function (event) { $target = $(event.target); if ( !$target.closest($field).length && $this.is('.open') ) { $this.stop(true, true).slideUp(150).removeClass('open'); } }); }); }, formInit: function () { var _this = this; this.log( 'Init ajaxed forms.' ); if ( typeof toastr != 'undefined' ) { toastr.options = { positionClass: this.options.toastrPositionClass }; }else { this.log( 'Can\'t find toastr. Form messages in alerts.' ); } var validateOptions, submitHandler, doneHandler, failHandler; submitHandler = function (event) { var form = this; event.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ url: form.action, type: 'POST', data: $(form).serialize() }).done(function(msg) { doneHandler(msg, form); }).fail(function() { failHandler(form); }); } validateOptions = { rules: { password: { required: true, minlength: 5 }, confirmPassword: { required: true, minlength: 5, equalTo: '#password' } }, messages: { password: { required: 'Please provide a password', minlength: 'Your password must be at least 5 characters long' }, confirmPassword: { required: 'Please provide a password', minlength: 'Your password must be at least 5 characters long', equalTo: 'Please enter the same password as above' } }, submitHandler: function (form) { var $input = $(form).find('input[type="submit"]'), $button = $(form).find('button[type="submit"]'); if ( $button.length ) { $button.append(''); }else if ( $input ) { $input.after(''); } $.ajax({ url: form.action, type: 'POST', data: $(form).serialize() }).done(function(msg) { $(form).find('.loading').remove(); doneHandler(msg, form); }).fail(function() { $(form).find('.loading').remove(); failHandler(form); }); } }; doneHandler = function (msg, form) { if( msg === 'ok' ) { form.reset(); if ( typeof toastr != 'undefined' ) toastr.success('Success'); else alert('Success'); } else { if ( typeof toastr != 'undefined' ) toastr.error('An error occured. Please try again later.'); else alert('An error occured. Please try again later.'); _this.log( 'Form message', msg ); } }; failHandler = function () { if ( typeof toastr != 'undefined' ) toastr.error('An error occured. Please try again later.'); else alert('An error occured. Please try again later.'); } if ( $('form').not('.mailchimp-form').not('.disable-ajax-form').length ) { $('form').not('.mailchimp-form').not('.disable-ajax-form').each(function() { if ( typeof $.fn.validate == 'function' ) { $(this).validate(validateOptions); }else { $(this).on('submit', submitHandler); _this.log( 'Can\'t find jQuery.validate function.' ); } }); } if ( $('.mailchimp-form').length ) { $('.mailchimp-form').each(function() { $(this).on('submit', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var $form = $(this), $input = $form.find('input[type="submit"]'), $button = $form.find('button[type="submit"]'), $fullnameField = '', $emailField = $form.find('[name=NewsletterEmail]'), $responseBlock = $form.find('.response'), email = $emailField.val(), first_name = '', last_name = ''; if ($(this).find('[name=NewsletterName]') .length > 0){ $fullnameField = $form.find('[name=NewsletterName]'); fullname = $fullnameField.val().split(' '), // Gwt Full name and split it by space first_name = fullname[0], // First part is the first name last_name = fullname[1]; // Second part is Last name if ( !last_name ) last_name = ''; //By chance they can input only their first name, then we should null the last name since there is none } else { first_name = '', last_name = ''; } if ( $button.length ) { $button.append(''); }else if ( $input ) { $input.after(''); } $.ajax({ url: 'process-form-mailchimp.php', data: 'ajax=true&email=' + escape(email) + '&fname=' + first_name +'&lname=' + last_name, success: function(msg) { $form.find('.loading').remove(); if ( msg.indexOf('Success') !=-1 ) { $responseBlock.html('Success! You are now subscribed to our newsletter!'); } else { $responseBlock.html('' + msg + ''); } } }); }); }); } }, // Google map initGoogleMap: function() { var _this = this; if ( $('.map').length ) { $('.map').each(function () { var mapEl = this; var map, marker, geocoder, service; var icon = '/assets/img/marker-46x46.png', address, markerLatLng, offsetX, offsetY, relativeOffset, balloons, mapOptions = { zoom: 14, scrollwheel: false, mapTypeControl: false }; function createMap () { mapOptions.center = markerLatLng map = new google.maps.Map(mapEl, mapOptions); marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, icon: icon, position: markerLatLng }); map.addListener('projection_changed', function() { centerMap(map, offsetX, offsetY, relativeOffset); }); createBalloons(); } function createBalloons () { service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map); if ( balloons ) { for (var i = 0; i < balloons.length; i++) { var balloon = balloons[i]; if ( typeof balloon == 'string' ) { service.textSearch({ location: markerLatLng, radius: 5000, query: balloon }, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) { for (var i = 0, place; place = results[i]; i++) { service.getDetails({placeId: place.place_id}, createMarkers); }; } }); } }; } } function createMarkers(place, status) { if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) { var innerContent; innerContent = '
    ' + place.name + ''; if ( place.rating ) { innerContent += ''; } if ( place.adr_address ) { innerContent += '

    ' + place.adr_address + '

    '; } if ( place.international_phone_number ) { innerContent += '

    ' + place.international_phone_number + '

    '; } innerContent += '
    '; var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ position: place.geometry.location, maxWidth: 200, content: innerContent, disableAutoPan: true }); infowindow.open(map); } } function centerMap(map, offsetX, offsetY, relative) { var offsetX = (typeof offsetX == 'number' ? offsetX : 0), offsetY = (typeof offsetY == 'number' ? offsetY : 0), zoom = map.getZoom(), scale = Math.pow( 2, zoom ), northEast = map.getBounds().getNorthEast(), southWest = map.getBounds().getSouthWest(), width = Math.abs( northEast.lng() - southWest.lng() ), height = Math.abs( northEast.lat() - southWest.lat() ), point1 = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint( map.getCenter() ), point2 = new google.maps.Point( offsetX / scale, offsetY / scale ), centerPoint = new google.maps.Point( point1.x - point2.x, point1.y - point2.y ), center = map.getProjection().fromPointToLatLng( centerPoint ); if ( relative ) { center = new google.maps.LatLng( map.getCenter().lat() + height * offsetY / 100, map.getCenter().lng() - width * offsetX / 100 ); } map.setCenter( center ); } function successCallback (data) { if ( typeof data == 'object' ) { if ( data.mapZoom ) mapOptions.zoom = data.mapZoom; if ( data.relativeOffset ) relativeOffset = true; if ( data.offsetX ) offsetX = data.offsetX; else offsetX = 0; if ( data.offsetY ) offsetY = data.offsetY; else offsetY = 0; if ( data.markerImagePath && typeof data.markerImagePath == 'string' ) icon = data.markerImagePath; if ( data.markerAddress && typeof data.markerAddress == 'string' ) address = data.markerAddress; else if ( data.markerLatLng && typeof data.markerLatLng == 'object' ) markerLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(data.markerLatLng[0], data.markerLatLng[1]); if ( data.balloons && typeof data.balloons == 'object' && data.balloons.length ) balloons = data.balloons; } geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); if ( typeof markerLatLng == 'object' ) { createMap(); }else if ( typeof address == 'string' ) { geocoder.geocode({ 'address': address }, function(results, status) { markerLatLng = results[0].geometry.location; createMap(); }); } } function failCallback () { _this.log("Can't parse map settings!"); new google.maps.Map(mapEl, { center: new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0), zoom: 2 }); } if ( $(this).data('settings') ) { $.getJSON($(this).data('settings'), successCallback).fail(failCallback); }else { failCallback(); } }); } }, // count down timer countdownInit: function () { if ( $('.countdown').length ) { if ( typeof $.fn.countdown == 'function' ) { var futureDate = new Date(); $countdown = $('.countdown'); // count down 10 days from today futureDate.setDate( futureDate.getDate() + 10 ); // or set specific date in the future // futureDate = new Date(2014, 7, 26); $countdown.countdown({ until: futureDate, compact: true, padZeroes: true, layout: $('.countdown').html() }); }else { this.log( 'Can\'t find jQuery.coundown function' ); } } }, masonryInit: function () { var _this = this; if ( $('.masonry').length && typeof $.fn.masonry == 'function' ) { $('.masonry').each(function () { var $container = $(this); $container.masonry({ itemSelector: '.masonry-item', isAnimated: true, columnWidth: function( containerWidth ) { if ( containerWidth > 720 ) { $container.removeClass('width400').removeClass('width720'); return containerWidth / 4; }else if ( containerWidth > 400 ) { $container.addClass('width720').removeClass('width400'); if ( $container.is('.speakers') ) return containerWidth / 2; else return containerWidth / 3; }else { $container.addClass('width400').removeClass('width720'); if ( $container.is('.speakers') ) return containerWidth; else return containerWidth / 2; } } }); }); } }, gallerySliderInit: function () { var _this = this; if ( $('.gallery.light-slider').length && typeof $.fn.bxSlider == 'function' ) { $('.gallery.light-slider').each(function () { var $container = $(this), $imgSLider = $container.find('.img-slider'), $descrSlider = $container.find('.description-slider'); $imgSLider.find('li > img').each(function () { var $this = $(this), $li = $this.parent(), imgSrc = $this.attr('src'); $li.css('background-image', 'url("' + imgSrc + '")').data('imgSrc', imgSrc); $this.remove(); }); if ( $imgSLider.length && $descrSlider.length ) { function countImgMinHeight ($slide) { var img = new Image(); img.src = $slide.data('imgSrc'); img.onload = function () { height = this.height * $slide.outerWidth() / this.width $imgSLider.css('min-height', height); return height; } return img.onload; } $imgSLider.bxSlider({ pager: false, controls: false, mode: 'fade', adaptiveHeight: true, onSliderLoad: function (currentIndex) { $slide = $imgSLider.find('> li').eq(currentIndex); height = countImgMinHeight($slide); console.log(height); }, onSlideBefore: function ($slide) { countImgMinHeight($slide); } }); $descrSlider.bxSlider({ controls: false, adaptiveHeight: true, onSlideBefore: function ($slideElement, oldIndex, newIndex) { $imgSLider.goToSlide(newIndex); } }); } }); } }, //sticky menu initialization stickMenu: function () { var $header = $('header'); $header.css('min-height', $header.height()); $header.addClass('fixed'); $('.fade-in-on-stick').fadeIn(); }, unstickMenu: function () { var $header = $('header'); $header.removeClass('fixed'); $header.css('min-height', ''); $('.fade-in-on-stick').fadeOut(); }, //one page menu navigation onePageNavInit: function () { var _this = this; if ( typeof $.fn.waypoint != 'undefined' ) { var $menuLinks = $('.navigation-list a').not('[href="#"]').filter(function () { return /#\w+/.test(this.href); }), enterHandler = function( that, direction ) { var id = that.id, $item = $('.navigation-list a').filter(function () { return this.href.indexOf('#' + that.id) > -1; }); $('.navigation-list .active').removeClass('active'); $item.addClass('active'); // push anchor to browser URL if ( _this.options.onePageNavHashChange ){ if ( history.pushState ) { history.pushState(null, null, '#' + id); }else { _this.log('Browser don\'t support history API'); } } }, leaveHandler = function ( that, direction ) { var $item = $('.navigation-list a').filter(function () { return this.href.indexOf('#' + that.id) > -1; }); $item.removeClass('active'); }; $menuLinks.each(function (index) { var href = this.href, anchorId = href.substring(href.indexOf('#'), href.length), $block = $(anchorId); if ( $block.length ) { $block.waypoint(function (direction) { if ( direction == 'down' ) { enterHandler( this.element, direction ); } }, { offset: 0 }); $block.waypoint(function (direction) { if ( direction == 'down' ) { leaveHandler( this.element, direction ); }else { enterHandler( this.element, direction ); } }, { offset: -$block.outerHeight() }); $block.waypoint(function (direction) { if ( direction == 'up' ) { leaveHandler( this.element, direction ); } }, { offset: '100%' }); } }); $('body').waypoint(function () { var id = 'hero', $item = $('.navigation-list a[href="#' + id + '"]'); $('.navigation-list .active').removeClass('active'); if ( $item.length ) { $item.addClass('active'); if ( _this.options.onePageNavHashChange ){ if ( history.pushState ) { history.pushState(null, null, '#' + id); }else { _this.log('Browser don\'t support history API'); } } } }, { offset: -100 }); $('body').on( 'click', 'a[href*="#"]', function (event) { var href = $(this).attr('href'), anchorId = href.substring(href.indexOf('#'), href.length); if ( $(this).attr('data-toggle') && $(this).attr('data-toggle').length ) { return; } if ( $(anchorId).length ) { _this.anchorClickHandler(anchorId); return false; } }); }else { this.log( 'Can\'t find jQuery.waypoint function' ); } }, //custom smooth scrolling for all onpage anchors anchorClickHandler: function(anchorId) { var _this = this, offsetTop = $(anchorId).offset().top - $('.header').height(), $nav = $('.navigation-list'), $elems = $nav.find('a[href="' + anchorId + '"]'); $('body, html').animate({ scrollTop: offsetTop }, 450, function () { if ( _this.options.onePageNavHashChange ) { if ( history.pushState ) { history.pushState(null, null, anchorId); }else { window.location.hash = anchorId; } } $nav.find('.active').removeClass('active'); $elems.addClass('active'); }); }, checkHeaderStatus: function () { if ( $('header').length ) { var $header = $('header'), scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(), headerTop = $header.offset().top; if ( scrollTop >= headerTop ) { this.stickMenu(); }else { this.unstickMenu(); } } }, //onload handler windowLoadHeandler: function (event) { this.log('Window load handler'); if ( window.location.hash.length ) { this.anchorClickHandler(window.location.hash); } if ( this.options.onePageNav ) { this.onePageNavInit(); } this.checkHeaderStatus(); this.masonryInit(); this.hidePreloader(); }, //on resize handler windowResizeHandler: function (event) { this.checkMobile(); this.windowHeightBlock(); this.centeredBlock(); this.calculateMenuSizes(); }, //on scroll handler windowScrollHandler: function (event) { this.checkHeaderStatus(); }, styleSwitcherHandler: function (event, $el) { event.preventDefault(); var switcher = $('.style-switcher'); if (switcher.hasClass('style-active')){ switcher.animate({ marginLeft: '0' }, 200, 'linear'); } else { switcher.animate({ marginLeft: '225' }, 200, 'linear'); } switcher.toggleClass('style-active'); }, styleSwitcherColorHandler: function (event, $el) { var $this = $el, colorName = $this.attr('data-color'); event.preventDefault(); $('.style-switcher-css').remove(); $('head').append(''); }, styleSwitcherToggleAnimation: function (event, $el) { if ( $el.get(0).checked ) { $('.animated').css('opacity', ''); this.options.animations = true; }else { $('.animated').css('opacity', 1); this.options.animations = false; } }, //small back-to-top link function backToTopHandler: function () { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0, easing: 'swing' }, 750); }, setEventHandlers: function () { var _this = this; $(window).on('load', function (event) { _this.windowLoadHeandler(event); }); $(window).on('resize', function (event) { _this.windowResizeHandler(event); }); $(window).on('scroll', function (event) { _this.windowScrollHandler(event); }); $('.back-to-top').on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); _this.backToTopHandler(); }); $('.navbar-collapse').on( 'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function (event) { if ( _this.mobileDevice ) { var e0 = event.originalEvent, delta = e0.wheelDelta || -e0.detail; this.scrollTop -= delta; event.preventDefault(); } }); $('.style-toggle').on('click', function(event){ _this.styleSwitcherHandler(event, $(this)); }); $('.style-switcher .color').on('click', function(event) { _this.styleSwitcherColorHandler(event, $(this)); }); $('#animations_switch').on('change', function(event){ _this.styleSwitcherToggleAnimation(event, $(this)); }); this.log('Set event hendlers'); }, hidePreloader: function (callback) { var _this = this; $('.preloader-mask').delay(500).fadeOut(600); setTimeout(function() { _this.initAnimations(); }, 700); if ( callback ) { callback(); } }, init: function (options) { this.options = $.extend(this.defaults, options, $('body').data()); this.log('Init'); this.checkMobile(); this.tabNavToSelect(); this.countdownInit(); if ( this.options.styleSwitcher ) this.buildStyleSwitcher(); if ( this.options.smoothScroll ) this.smoothScrollInit(); if ( this.options.ajaxedForm ) this.formInit(); if ( this.options.pseudoSelect ) this.initPseudoSelect(); if ( typeof google != 'undefined') this.initGoogleMap(); this.windowHeightBlock(); this.centeredBlock(); this.calculateMenuSizes(); this.videoBackgroundInit(); this.gallerySliderInit(); this.setEventHandlers(); } } $('.navigation-item').on( 'click', function (event) { if($('#navigation').hasClass('in')){ $('#navigation').removeClass('in'); } });